Player Records

Important Information

Please complete in full and return to a member of DSC staff before your child participates in any DSC Elite Football Academy session.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

By submitting this form I confirm that the player named above will have a parent or other responsible adult instantly accessible to administer any medication, such as an inhaler, EpiPen or any other medication.

By submitting below, you will be agreeing to the following:

  • All information provided above is correct at the date of submitting.
  • If any information changes (medical, contact details etc), you will instantly inform DSC.
  • In the event of my child becoming injured or ill whilst participating at DSC Elite Football Academy, I hereby give my consent for my child to receive medical attention.

This form therefore will constitute for verifiable parental consent (gives your consent as parents) for DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd to provide personal identifying information for your child that, may consist of first name, last name, birth date, and, if applicable, email, address, telephone number and medical information in order to attend sessions/fixtures or for DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd to incorporate your child in any internal or external marketing.


From time to time DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd may use player photos for marketing and publicity purposes.  We will only use photos or films of your child for such purposes if you have completed this form.  Once agreed to, the permissions will remain in effect for the duration of the player’s enrolment at DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd unless parental permission is withdrawn in writing.

You may withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to do so please contact us at the details below.  On receipt of such a notification we will remove any images from our websites/facebook page etc.  Please note that if you have consented to the use of photos in DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd flyers / leaflets etc, we will not be able to remove these images from any documents that have already been printed.

The Company Director, Chris Beckley, is responsible for ensuring that DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd complies with the Data Protection Law.  He can be contacted on or 07961755941.

For further information regarding how DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd uses personal data please refer to the privacy notice on our website:

to DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd using photos of my child for the following purposes

to DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd sharing my child’s details with DSC staff during their time at DSC for Sporting events linked to DSC (e.g. fixtures).


to DSC Elite Football Academy Ltd sharing my child’s details including personal characteristics such as special educational needs and medical information as required during their time at DSC.

By submitting below, you will be agreeing to the following:

  • All information provided above is correct at the date of submitting.
  • If any information changes (medical, contact details etc), you will instantly inform DSC.


Download the documents on paper to keep offline and / or sign to bring to your child’s next session for us to keep a signed copy.

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Want to sign up to one of our amazing coaching classes? Or just want a little more information?  Send us your email and we will be in touch.